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[Sindh Courier] 임솔내, <홍녀>

by 푸른사상 2025. 3. 17.

"Blue Butterfly – A Poem from Korea"


Sindh Courier, "Blue Butterfly – A Poem from Korea", nasiraijaz, 2025.3.15

링크 : Blue Butterfly – A Poem from Korea - Sindh Courier


* 파키스탄 신문사에 소개된 임솔내 시집 <홍녀>의 기사입니다.


Blue Butterfly – A Poem from Korea - Sindh Courier

And when the mourners opened their envelopes, Blue butterflies fluttered out, Rising toward the sky. Ms. Im Sol Nae, a poet from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares her poem Poet Ms. Im Sol Nae, a poet from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, received the



